I’ve found the following books and articles to be useful in my personal development. I will refer to them from time-to-time in the podcast, so I wanted to include them here in case you want to read them yourself.

Books About Learning

Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise

Author Anders Ericsson provides well-researched insight into what makes people great. From his work, you can learn not only about peak performers, but about how we learn in general.

If you’ve heard of the “10,000 hour rule”, it was derived from his research. But he reveals much more than just the number of hours one must spend doing something to become an expert. He also tells about what kind of practice is required to make the most of that time. He refers to it as “Deliberate Practice”, and I encourage you to read his book to learn more about what that kind of practice entails.

Interpersonal and Relationships

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It

Chris Voss was an FBI hostage negotiator, and in this book he shares highly effective skills that he learned in life-or-death negotiations. The stories and lessons in this book will help you negotiate even the most ordinary of situations. This is an interesting and educational book, well worth reading.

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