I started this podcast as an exercise in creativity and self-development. I have been contemplating the changing nature of media and culture for some time. One thing that really stands out is that the role of gatekeeper is steadily declining. As a result, we no longer need permission to express ourselves.

The term ‘Unauthorized’ is a symbol of this change, and a reminder that we don’t need permission to share our gifts with the world.

In this podcast, I hope to share ideas and learn more about the ways that we can express ourselves in a changing world. I will talk about obstacles (real and perceived), and how those obstacles are changing in relevance.

Join us by listening and contributing in the conversations. If you have a question or something to add, then we hope that you’ll share it in the show notes. If you have a bigger idea that you would like us to cover, then please submit a suggestion. You can also suggest a person that you’d like us to talk to that can add to the dialog.

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